Top 10 Jupyter Notebook Plugins for Collaborative Work

Are you tired of working on Jupyter Notebooks alone? Do you want to collaborate with your team members in real-time? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 Jupyter Notebook plugins for collaborative work that will make your life easier and your work more efficient.

But before we dive into the list, let's first understand what Jupyter Notebooks are and why they are so popular among data scientists and machine learning engineers.

What are Jupyter Notebooks?

Jupyter Notebooks are a web-based interactive computing environment that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. It supports multiple programming languages such as Python, R, Julia, and more. Jupyter Notebooks are widely used in data science and machine learning for exploratory data analysis, prototyping, and sharing research findings.

Why Collaborate on Jupyter Notebooks?

Collaboration is an essential part of any project, and Jupyter Notebooks make it easy to collaborate with your team members. With Jupyter Notebooks, you can share your work with others, get feedback, and work together in real-time. This makes it easier to work on complex projects and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Now that we have a basic understanding of Jupyter Notebooks and why collaboration is important, let's dive into the top 10 Jupyter Notebook plugins for collaborative work.

1. JupyterLab

JupyterLab is a next-generation web-based user interface for Jupyter Notebooks. It provides a modern and flexible environment for working with Jupyter Notebooks, code, and data. JupyterLab has a built-in file explorer, terminal, and text editor, making it easy to manage your files and work on multiple notebooks at the same time. It also supports extensions, which allows you to customize and enhance its functionality.

2. nbdime

nbdime is a tool for diffing and merging Jupyter Notebooks. It allows you to compare two notebooks side-by-side and see the differences between them. This is useful when collaborating with others and trying to merge changes made by multiple people. nbdime also supports merging notebooks, which makes it easy to combine changes made by different team members.

3. nbstripout

nbstripout is a tool for stripping output from Jupyter Notebooks. This is useful when sharing notebooks with others, as it reduces the file size and makes it easier to read. nbstripout removes all output cells from the notebook, leaving only the code and markdown cells. This makes it easier to focus on the code and makes the notebook more readable.

4. nbviewer

nbviewer is a web-based tool for viewing Jupyter Notebooks. It allows you to share your notebooks with others, even if they don't have Jupyter installed on their computer. nbviewer renders the notebook in a web browser, making it easy to read and interact with. This is useful when sharing notebooks with non-technical team members or stakeholders.

5. nbgrader

nbgrader is a tool for creating and grading assignments in Jupyter Notebooks. It allows you to create assignments that contain code cells and markdown cells, and then grade them automatically. This is useful when teaching a course or training new team members. nbgrader also supports feedback, which allows you to provide comments and suggestions to the students.

6. jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

jupyter_contrib_nbextensions is a collection of community-contributed extensions for Jupyter Notebooks. It includes a wide range of extensions, such as code folding, table of contents, and spell checking. These extensions enhance the functionality of Jupyter Notebooks and make it easier to work with them. jupyter_contrib_nbextensions is easy to install and use, and it's constantly updated with new extensions.

7. jupyterhub

jupyterhub is a multi-user server for Jupyter Notebooks. It allows you to host Jupyter Notebooks on a server and provide access to multiple users. This is useful when working on a project with a large team or when teaching a course. jupyterhub provides a secure and scalable environment for working with Jupyter Notebooks.

8. jupyterlab-git

jupyterlab-git is a plugin for JupyterLab that allows you to manage Git repositories from within JupyterLab. It provides a user-friendly interface for committing, pushing, and pulling changes to Git repositories. This is useful when collaborating with others on a project and using Git for version control.

9. jupyterlab-lsp

jupyterlab-lsp is a plugin for JupyterLab that provides language server protocol (LSP) support for Jupyter Notebooks. It allows you to use code completion, hover, and other language features in Jupyter Notebooks. This is useful when working with complex code and trying to understand its structure.

10. jupyterlab-google-drive

jupyterlab-google-drive is a plugin for JupyterLab that allows you to access and edit Google Drive files from within JupyterLab. It provides a seamless integration between JupyterLab and Google Drive, making it easy to work with files stored in Google Drive. This is useful when collaborating with others on a project and using Google Drive for file storage.


Collaboration is an essential part of any project, and Jupyter Notebooks make it easy to collaborate with your team members. With the top 10 Jupyter Notebook plugins for collaborative work, you can work together in real-time, share your work with others, and get feedback. These plugins enhance the functionality of Jupyter Notebooks and make it easier to work with them. So, what are you waiting for? Start collaborating on Jupyter Notebooks today!

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