5 Best Practices for Using Jupyter Notebooks in Cloud Computing

If you are a data scientist or developer, you are probably already familiar with Jupyter Notebooks. For those who are not, Jupyter Notebooks are a web-based tool that allow users to create and share documents that combine code, visualizations, and narrative text.

One of the main advantages of Jupyter Notebooks is that they make it easy to experiment with different code snippets and visualize the results in real time. They are also very popular among the data science and machine learning communities.

However, when it comes to cloud computing, there are some best practices that you should follow to optimize your Jupyter Notebook usage. In this article, we will cover the top 5 best practices for using Jupyter Notebooks in cloud computing.

1. Use a managed Jupyter Notebook service

One of the best ways to use Jupyter Notebooks in cloud computing is by using a managed service. Managed services are cloud-based environments that are specifically designed for running Jupyter Notebooks.

Managed services typically come with pre-installed libraries, integrated development environments (IDEs), and other tools that make it easy to get started with Jupyter Notebooks. They also provide scalable computing resources and secure access control features.

Some of the most popular managed Jupyter Notebook services include Amazon SageMaker, Google Colaboratory, and Microsoft Azure Notebooks.

2. Keep your Jupyter Notebooks organized

One of the challenges of using Jupyter Notebooks is that they can quickly become disorganized. This is especially true when working on larger projects or collaborations with multiple team members.

To keep your Jupyter Notebooks organized, you should create a clear structure for your files and folders. You can use naming conventions and tags to easily identify individual notebooks and sections.

You should also make use of the markdown cells in your notebooks to provide an overview of your project, describe your methodology and share any important context.

3. Make use of version control

Version control systems, such as Git, are critical for collaboration and maintaining a history of your Jupyter Notebooks. Allowing you to easily collaborate with others, and track changes made to your notebooks. Version control systems also allow you to roll back changes and restore earlier versions of your notebook In the event of unexpected issues.

You should also consider using a cloud-based repository such as GitHub or Bitbucket to host your version controlled notebooks. This will allow you to easily share your work with others and collaborate with your team. By making use of these services you can collaborate with your peers by keeping your notebooks in the same repository.

4. Use containers to run your notebooks

Running Jupyter Notebooks in a container can be advantageous because it allows you to easily package and share your entire environment, including any libraries or dependencies you have installed.

Containers are lightweight, portable, and can be run on any platform that supports Docker or Kubernetes. This makes it easy to deploy your work to different environments or share your work with others.

Using a container also makes it easier to reproduce experiments, allowing others to check the results and the impact of any changes that they make in the future.

5. Automate your workflows

Cloud computing allows you to automate many of your workflows, which can save you time and effort in the long run. You can use automation tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or Travis CI to build, test, deploy, and run your notebooks automatically.

By automating these processes you can ensure your notebooks are properly formatted and follow best practices, enforcing standards across your team, ensuring notebooks are clean, documentation and data information is up-to-date and accessible while your code runs smoothly.


Jupyter Notebooks are an excellent tool for data scientists and developers, but they can be even more powerful when used in conjunction with cloud computing. By following these five best practices, you'll be able to maximize the benefits of running Jupyter Notebooks in the cloud.

By using managed services and keeping your notebooks organized, you can streamline your workflow and ensure your work is easily accessible and readable by other team members.

Version control, using containers, and automating your workflow will allow you to reproduce experiments, share your results with others and make changes, and ensure the code you create is always up-to-date, in line with documentation, and produces the functionality promised.

At Jupyter.solutions, we help you to follow these best practices and get the most out of your Jupyter Notebooks in the cloud. Contact us to learn more about data science, machine learning, and Python best-practices for cloud-based notebook usage.

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